Alcuin Fund
Thank you for your support to Alcuin!

raised of $600,000                        

Expanding Opportunities

This year, we're aiming higher than ever before! The Alcuin Fund's goal is to raise $600,000—a bold step beyond past campaigns.
The Alcuin Fund fuels the growth of the school. From innovative programs, continuous faculty development, and overall campus operations, its purpose is to ensure that the school thrives and evolves in its mission to prepare today’s students to become tomorrow’s leaders. Every contribution helps ensure that Alcuin continues to deliver an education that is dynamic, inspiring, and forward-thinking.
Your gift impacts students and staff across our campus through:
  • Supporting Faculty Excellence: Enables faculty to pursue continuing education opportunities to enrich the curriculum and inspire their students.
  • Enhanced Learning Spaces: Contributions support the ever-changing needs in the classroom from the purposeful learning materials used in the Montessori classrooms to state-of-the-art tools and materials that foster collaboration and creativity amongst students. 
  • Student Enrichment: The fund supports performing and fine arts, athletics, and special projects, as well as extracurricular activities, local field trips, international travel, and other experiential learning opportunities that align with Alcuin’s Montessori and IB philosophies. 
  • Building Community: The Fund supports events and resources that strengthen the Alcuin community, bringing families, students, and faculty together. 

Giving Levels

List of 3 items.

  • Leadership Circle

    Includes an invitation to the Major Donor Reception in the Spring and a special donor event in Fall of 2025. 

    • Trailblazer - $50,000+ 
      Recognizing donors who lead transformative change and innovation at Alcuin. Their contributions blaze new paths for student success, educational programs, and global initiatives. Trailblazers are invited to an exclusive dinner with the new Head of School in Fall of 2025.
    • Visionary - $25,000 - $49,999 
      Major contributions supporting Alcuin’s leadership in education.
    • Explorer - $10,000 - $24,999 
      Honoring donors who invest significantly in Alcuin's future, fostering global citizenship and innovation.
  • Founders Circle

    Includes an invitation to a special donor event in Fall of 2025.

    • Innovator - $5,000 - $9,999 
      For those driving change and creative learning at Alcuin.
    • Adventurer - $2,500 - $4,999 
      Honoring those who encourage bold educational journeys, supporting students as they embark on exciting paths of discovery. 
    • 1964 Society - $1,964 - $2,499 
      Celebrating the school’s founding year, inviting members to a special donor event in Fall 2025. 
  • Hawks Circle

    • Scholar - $1,000 - $1,963 
      Honoring donors dedicated to supporting students' academic and emotional growth. 
    • Friend - $1 - $999 
      For donors who contribute to Alcuin’s community, helping sustain daily operations and smaller projects. 

How to Give

List of 2 items.

  • Giving Options

    All gifts are tax deductible and can be paid by cash, check, or credit card (MC, VISA, AMEX, or Discover) online using the Give Now button or the Pledge a Gift button at the top of the page. Gifts from Donor Advised Funds are also appreciated.
    To gift of shares of stock, please contact Lochwood Larson in our Business Office at
  • Increase the Impact of Your Gift

    As a 501(c)3, Alcuin School is eligible to receive corporate matching gifts. Check with your employer’s Human Resources Department to find out if your company will match your charitable gift to the Alcuin Fund and potentially double the impact of your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • What is the Alcuin Fund?

    Alcuin School’s Annual Fund is a vital source of revenue and is a critical aspect of the school’s fundraising efforts. Every dollar raised directly benefits all our students from Toddler through Upper School and ensures the highest quality experience, in both academic and co-curricular programs.
  • Why does Alcuin School need the Alcuin Fund when parents already pay tuition?

    Tuition revenue alone is not enough to sustain the quality of an Alcuin School education. Seventy-three percent (73%) of tuition revenue is for faculty and staff salaries and benefits, leaving only twenty-seven percent (27%) for technology, facilities, classroom and administrative expenses. In order to continue to provide excellence in programs and facilities, the School relies on donations from the Annual Fund. Your gift to the Annual Fund is tax-deductible, whereas tuition is not. Your Annual Fund gift may also qualify for a matching gift from your employer, which will allow you to at least double your support of Alcuin School.
  • What other benefits can Alcuin School realize from 100% community participation?

    When schools approach foundations and charitable trusts, a significant criterion for awarding these grants is the level of support shown by the parent community. Alcuin School has submitted a number of proposals and are honored to have been awarded nearly $1MM.
  • How much should we give?

    It is our hope that Alcuin School will be your family’s top philanthropic priority. Individual gifts to the Annual Fund range from $5 to $20,000 or more. Only you can decide how much you wish to commit. We ask you to remember that your contribution, along with those of all our donors, will directly enhance the students' Alcuin School experience. We believe that every member of our School community will want to be involved. Please know that no matter the amount, we appreciate every gift.
  • Is our gift tax-deductible?

    All contributions are fully tax-deductible according to IRS regulations and may be paid through cash, check, credit card or securities.
  • How can I get more information?

    Contact the Director of Philanthropy at 972-239-1745 if you have any questions about the Annual Fund or other ways of giving to Alcuin School.