What is Planned Giving?

Estate planning finds ways to make charitable gifts while enjoying financial benefits for donors. Planned gifts require discussion with professional advisors. Unlike cash donations, they are typically made from estate assets rather than disposable income and either become operable now or as bequests upon death.

A misconception is that gift planning is only for the "wealthy." The truth is, even people of modest means can make a difference through gift planning.

We urge those considering planned giving to consult with an attorney or financial advisor before determining which planned giving instrument works best. To learn more about planned giving, please contact Alcuin’s Philanthropy Office at 972-239-1745 or email michael.orman@alcuinschool.org.

Planned Gifts Include:

List of 8 items.

  • Bequests and Testamentary Trusts

    Gifts made through a will can be made to Alcuin School through a new document or a codicil to an existing will. Donors may specify a dollar amount, personal property, or percentage of total assets as a bequest. Gifts through bequests can help reduce federal estate tax liability.
  • Charitable Gift Annuity

    A Charitable Gift Annuity is a contract, (not a trust), under which a charity, in return for a transfer of cash, marketable securities or other assets, agrees to pay a fixed amount of money to one or two individuals for their lifetime. The payments are fixed and unchanged for the term of the contract. A portion of the payments are considered to be a partial tax-free return of the donor’s gift.
  • Charitable Remainder Trust

    A Charitable Remainder Trust is a special tax-exempt irrevocable trust arrangement written to comply with federal tax laws and regulations. A donor transfers cash or assets (especially appreciated assets) to the trust and receives income for life or if they choose a certain term of years (not to exceed 20). In fact, the income can be paid over the life of the donor, their spouse's life and even their children's and grandchildren's lives.
  • Charitable Lead Trust

    A Charitable Lead Trust is when a donor places property or cash in trust with the income generated dedicated to a charity of their choice for a period of time (usually 12 to 20 years). After the trust term ends, the assets of the trust are either returned to the donor or passed on to their children or other loved ones. If the assets are to be returned to the donor, the donor receives an income tax deduction when the trust is created. If the assets are passed on to heirs, applicable estate or gift taxes on the value of the gift are reduced or completely eliminated. The trust creates an immediate tax deduction in the year the trust is created, and it often enables the donor to pass assets to his or her heirs, usually with beneficial estate tax consequences.
  • Gifts of Cash

    Cash gifts are tax deductible in the year the gift is given. Checks should be made to Alcuin School. In many cases, employers will match the amount of the donation, thus making it possible to double or triple the gift. Information on matching gifts will be available through a company’s personnel or human resources office. 
  • Gifts of Securities

    Donors may make a gift of stocks or other marketable securities. If the securities have appreciated greatly, donors may find that they can make a larger gift at a lower cost than if the gift were made in cash.
  • Life Insurance

    The School can be a total or partial beneficiary of an existing whole life insurance policy, or a new policy may be taken out for this purpose. Life insurance can also be used to cover charitable gifts made from an estate. Annuities may also be given to the School.
  • Remainder Interest in a Personal Residence or Farm

    Donors may retain a life interest in a home or farm while deeding the property to the School. Donors may continue to live in or use the property and may claim a tax deduction at the time the property is transferred.